If you are located in a deregulated utility market you have the ability to choose your electric and/or natural gas supply rate. This entails switching your energy generation supplier to an alternative supplier, however, the local utility provider will still maintain the lines and delivery the power. This is the easiest and quickest way to immediately reduce your energy costs and Global Utilities is here to help you navigate the maze of deregulation.
You keep 100% of the energy supply savings!
When contracting electricity or natural gas supply rates, this is performed as a broker service, so our compensation is paid out by the lowest bidding energy supplier. In return, the client keeps 100% of any savings achieved under the new energy supply rate.
Where we service:
We have the largest footprint of any energy broker and we have the experience and team to navigate your business through unfamiliar deregulated markets. Below are the States our team and suppliers can service. Some markets in the states listed below may still be regulated or have minimum volume requirements because local municipalities have the ability to choose whether or not they want to regulate their power supply.
Our Mission:
Building the future of energy so it is clean, simple and accessible.